Our Mission
About the BEST
The BEST consulting firm was established in 2003 to offer development and management (D&M) Services. The firm was set-up with the special mission: to offer high quality and evidence-based socioeconomic and environmentally sensitive technical services. The BEST applies the best-practiced knowledge and rigorous methods of Business, Engineering, Science and Technology (hence the BEST), to address the complex challenges of development and management interventions undertaken by the Public and the Private sectors. Over the years the BEST has acquired competences and experiences in e-development and e-Management Services. The overarching goal of the BEST is therefore to deliver best-practiced e-Research and Development & knowledge management services using the best socio-technical know-how and practices to support the development and management of development projects/programs and business administration and services, especially for Ministry Departments and Agencies of Government and donors’ Development Projects, and for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), respectively.

The BEST Mission is driven by 10 Key Focus Areas of e-D&M