Programs of Study
The Thrust of the Training Program
Training Program Bases and Thrust
Our understanding of development is about social and area transformation. Development is thus a process and cyclic by design, to enable not only the delivery of one-off specific results but to stabilize and enhances outcomes and build upon them in order to further and to sustain the transformation process. Development is thus a practical and a systemic process of decisions and actions and checking and balancing of this governance and management process for the continuous delivery of positive results thereby growth and wellbeing to the
Courses to be offered
The courses are designed to professionally certify development governors and managers, and practitioners in both the public and the private sectors (including for-profit and the not-for-profit) development service providers, as well as, fresh university graduates that want to make a career in Development and Business Services Delivery. The BEST courses are also geared towards the reduction of unemployment and underemployment that are endemic in Sierra Leone. It is our aim to therefore strengthen communities, chiefdom/district councils and SMEs in the country to enable Sierra Leone to leap-frog to a competitive middle income country. In effect, all the practitioners and individuals accepted into our professional certification programs will be coach through our coaching system to help them to unlock their true potential and to enable them to have a professional purpose and to be able to make appropriate choices and to deliver on them. In order to achieve the above objectives, the following courses will be offered by the BEST School of development& business governance and Management:
A. Certificate program
Development Management and Governance
- 1. Post-grad Certificate in Development Planning (CDP)
- 2. Post-grad Certificate in Development Governance (CDG)
- 3. Post-grad Certificate in Development Policy Formulation
- 4. Post-grad Certificate in Policy Governance
- 5. Post-grad Certificate in Policy Management
- 6. Post-grad Certificate in Project formulation/Planning
- 7. Post-grad Certificate in Development Project Implementation Management
- 8. Post-grad Certificate in Development Project M&E
- 9. Post-grad Certificate in Social and Environmental Assessment (SEA)
- 10. Post-grad Certificate in Sector Sustainable Development Goals
- 11. Post-grad Certificate in Participatory Development
- 12. Post-grad Certificate in Sustainable Rural Livelihoods
- 13. Post-grad Certificate in Community/Chiefdom Dev. Planning
- 14. Post-grad Certificate in Chiefdom/community Dev. Mgmt.
- 15. Post-grad Certificate in District Dev. Planning
- 16. Post-grad Certificate in District Dev. Management
- 17. Post-grad Certificate in Sector Dev. Planning
- 18. Post-grad Certificate in Sector Dev. Management
Corporate Business Management and Governance
- 1. Certificate in Bankable Business Planning
- 2. Certificate Business Strategic Planning
- 3. Certificate in Business Strategy Management
- 4. Certificate in Cost-benefit Analysis
- 5. Certificate Business Financial Management,
- 6. Certificate in Small Business Management
- 7. Certificate in Medium Enterprise Management
- 8. Certificate Medium Enterprise Governance
- 9. Certificate Business Marketing
- 10. Certificate in Supply Chain Management
- 11. Certificate in competitive Value Chain Management
- 12. Certificate in Engineering/Infrastructure Contract Management
- 13. Certificate in Construction Management
- 14. Certificate in Development Consultancy Management
- 15. Certificate in capacity-building and HR Development.
ICT Certification Program
Microsoft Certification
- 1. Certificate in Microsoft 365 Office Suite Specialist
- 2. Azure Fundamentals
- 3. Educator
- 4. Power Platform
- 5. Security Compliance Identity
CompTIA Certification
- 1. CompTIA A+
- 2. Network+
- 3. Security+
- 4. Server+
- 5. Project+
- 6. Database+
- 8. Cloud+
- 9. Linux+
CISCO Certification
This will include short courses spanning from Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Certificates covering from 3, 6 and 8 months respectively. All certificate courses are also offered at diploma level with an extended duration and depth of work.
Diploma program
Diploma program in Development & Business Governance and Management
- 1. Post-grad Diploma in Development Policy Cycle Mgmt. (DCM)
- 2. Post-grad Diploma in Development Policy Governance (DG)
- 3. Post-grad Diploma in Sector Development Program/Project Governance
- 4. Post-grad Diploma in Sector Development Program/Project Management
- 5. Diploma in District Development Program/Policy Governance
- 6. Diploma in District Development Program/Project Management
- 7. Diploma in Sector/MDAs’ Development Policy Cycle Managementtificate in Development Project Implementation Management
- 8. Diploma in Sector/MDAs Development Policy Governance
- 9. Diploma in Project Cycle Management
- 10. Diploma in Project Implementation and M&E,
- 11. Diploma in Social and Environmental Assessment (SEA)
- 12. Diploma in Sustainable Development Goals
- 13. Diploma in participatory Development
- 14. Diploma in Sustainable Rural Livelihoods
- 15. Diploma in managing Sustainable development Goals at country-level
Corporate Business Management and Governance
- 1. Diploma in Bankable Business Project Cycle Management,
- 2. Diploma in Bankable Business Development Cycle Management
- 3. Diploma in Business Strategic Development Cycle Management and Governance
- 4. Diploma in Business Feasibility Studies and Long-range Project Development
- 5. Diploma Business Financial Management and Accountability,
- 6. Diploma in Small Business Development Management and Governance
- 7. Diploma in Medium Enterprise Development Management and Governance
- 8. Diploma Business Development Marketing, Management and Governance
- 9. Diploma in Supply Chain Governance and Management
- 10. Diploma in competitive Value Chain Management and Governance
- 11. Diploma in Engineering/Infrastructure Contract Management and Governance
- 12. Diploma in Construction Management and Governance
- 13. Diploma in Development Consultancy Management and Governance
- 14. Diploma in capacity-building and HR Development management and governance
Microsoft Diploma
- 1. Diploma in Microsoft 365 Office Suite Specialist and Azure Fundamentals
- 2. Diploma Educator, Power Platform and Security Compliance Identity
CompTIA Diploma
- 1. Diploma in CompTIA A+, Network+, Server+
- 2. Project+, Database+, Data+,
- 3. Cloud+, Linux+ & Security+